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Headache Relief in Peachtree City

Understanding, Managing, and Finding Relief

Woman holding head in painHeadaches are one of the most common pain conditions experienced worldwide, ranging from mildly uncomfortable to debilitating. They can manifest as throbbing pain, a dull ache, sudden pain after eating ice cream, or pain on the top of the head. Frequent headaches not only cause absenteeism from school or work but can also impact mental health, potentially leading to anxiety or depression.

Types of Headaches

There are over 150 types of headaches, broadly categorized into two main groups:

  • Primary Headaches: These are not due to another medical condition and include cluster headaches, migraines, new daily persistent headaches (NDPH), and tension headaches.
  • Secondary Headaches: These are related to another condition, such as head injury, high blood pressure (hypertension), infection, medication overuse, sinus congestion, trauma, or tumors.

Chiropractic Care for Headaches

Chiropractic adjustments can be an effective care option, particularly for tension headaches and those originating in the neck. At Crane Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology, we use a variety of techniques to address headaches and provide relief to our patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What techniques do you use to treat headaches?

We employ several effective techniques, including Diversified, Thompson, and Applied Kinesiology. One particularly helpful approach is balancing the muscles that attach to the base of the skull. Our treatment plan is always tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

How long does it typically take for patients to notice relief?

Many of our patients experience relief very quickly, often immediately or within 1-2 days after treatment. However, the exact timeline can vary depending on the type and severity of the headache, as well as individual factors.

Can dietary changes help relieve my headaches?

In some cases, yes. The effectiveness of dietary changes depends on the type of headache and the individual’s specific triggers. We can work with you to identify potential food-related triggers and suggest appropriate dietary modifications.

Do you have any specific patient success stories?

We’ve had numerous patients find significant relief from their headaches through our care. While we respect patient privacy and can’t share specific details, many of our patients who have suffered from chronic headaches for years have experienced dramatic improvements in their quality of life after receiving chiropractic care.

Are chiropractic treatments for headaches safe?

Yes, chiropractic care is generally very safe when performed by a licensed and experienced practitioner. We always conduct a thorough examination and review of your medical history before recommending any treatment.

How often will I need to come in for treatments?

The frequency of treatments depends on your specific condition and how you respond to care. We’ll develop personalized treatment recommendations and make adjustments as needed based on your progress.

Your Path to Headache Relief

If you’re struggling with headaches that are impacting your daily life, don’t suffer in silence. At Crane Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology, we’re committed to helping you find relief and improve your quality of life. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a life with fewer headaches and more joy.


Headache Relief Peachtree City GA | (770) 632-8814