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Diversified Technique in Peachtree City

Back adjustmentAt Crane Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology, we utilize various adjustment styles to provide the best care for our patients. One of our most frequently used methods is the Diversified Technique. This hands-on approach allows us to manually adjust your spinal bones into proper position, helping patients of all ages and stages get back to living the life they love, naturally.

What to Expect

Your journey with the Diversified Technique begins with a thorough analysis of your spine. This typically involves a detailed case history and examination. We may perform joint challenges, where we use a muscle to challenge different areas of the body. Alternatively, we may perform palpation, where we feel the spinal joints.

Once we identify misaligned spinal bones, we administer a specific manual thrust. The direction, speed, depth, and angle of this thrust are the result of years of experience, practice, and a comprehensive understanding of spinal mechanics. During the adjustment, you may hear a slight “popping” sound. This is simply the shifting of gas and fluids in the joint and is no cause for concern. In fact, most patients find these adjustments both relaxing and relieving!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using the Diversified Technique?

The primary benefit is realigning the skeletal structure. Many patients prefer this style of adjusting over other techniques due to its direct and efficient approach.

What’s the one thing you want patients to know about this technique?

It’s highly effective. The Diversified Technique has helped countless patients achieve relief and improved spinal function.

How long does it take to find relief from pain or symptoms using this technique?

The timeline for relief varies from patient to patient. Some experience immediate relief, while others may take longer to respond. The duration also depends on individual factors and any other concurrent health issues.

Do you have any special certifications or training for this technique?

While there are no specific certifications for the Diversified Technique, our practitioners have years of experience and practice in perfecting this method.

How long does this type of adjustment take?

Each individual adjustment or manipulation typically takes just a few seconds.

Why is it important to know different types of adjustment techniques?

Different patients may prefer or respond better to certain adjustment styles. Knowing various techniques allows us to tailor treatment to each patient’s comfort level and needs.

What sorts of conditions can this technique help relieve?

The Diversified Technique can help with most skeletal misalignments and the pain associated with them. It’s particularly effective for spinal issues, but can also be used for other joint problems throughout the body.

Do you have a patient success story you can share?

While we respect patient privacy and can’t share specific details, we’ve had numerous success stories with the Diversified Technique. Many patients who came to us with chronic pain or limited mobility have experienced significant improvements in their quality of life after receiving this type of care.

Experience the Benefits of Diversified Technique

If you’re seeking relief from pain or discomfort, or simply want to improve your overall spinal health, the Diversified Technique could be an excellent option for you. At Crane Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology, we’re committed to providing personalized care that addresses your unique needs and concerns.

Don’t let pain or discomfort hold you back from living your best life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discover how the Diversified Technique can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.


Diversified Technique Peachtree City GA | (770) 632-8814