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Treatment of Disc Problems in Peachtree City

Spine illustration

Understanding and Treating Spinal Disc Issues

While the term “slipped disc” is a misnomer, bulging, protruding, and herniated discs are very real conditions that can cause significant discomfort and impact your quality of life. At Crane Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology, we understand the complexity of disc problems and offer natural, effective solutions to help you find relief and restore your spinal health.

Understanding Disc Problems

Each spinal disc has a jelly-like center contained by bands of fibrous tissue. Healthy discs allow for flexibility, enabling you to turn and bend with ease. However, improper lifting, slips, falls, and car accidents can cause the disc’s core to shift, leading to various issues:

  • Herniation: This occurs when the central portion of the disc ruptures.
  • Protrusion: A common cause of back pain, protrusion happens when the disc bulges at its weakest point, resulting in pressure on nearby nerves.
  • Prolapse: A prolapsed disc involves a spinal disc escaping from between the vertebrae of the spine.

Chiropractic Care: A Natural Solution

Chiropractic care offers a remarkably effective and natural solution for addressing a variety of disc problems. Our drug-free approach can help improve joint mechanics by enhancing spinal motion and reducing inflammation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does chiropractic help address disc problems?

Chiropractic adjustments can effectively help restore proper motion and position of malfunctioning spinal bones. If addressed before permanent damage occurs, disc tissue often returns to a more normal size and shape. At Crane Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology, we use a variety of techniques to treat disc problems, including Diversified, Thompson, Applied Kinesiology, and Cox Flexion Distraction.

Aren’t disc problems simply due to the normal aging process?

No, this is a common misconception. While age can be a factor, many disc problems result from years of neglect. Many people with spinal problems may not experience symptoms until they’re in an advanced stage of degeneration. Conversely, there are many elderly individuals who have maintained their spine throughout their lives and still enjoy optimal spinal health and function.

Could chiropractic help me avoid surgery?

Possibly. The potential to avoid surgery depends on the severity of your disc condition. However, it’s generally advisable to start with chiropractic care as it’s natural and non-invasive. Many patients have found significant relief through chiropractic care, potentially eliminating the need for more invasive procedures.

How long until patients typically notice relief?

The timeline for relief varies from patient to patient. Some notice immediate improvement, while others may take longer to respond. Generally, pain tends to decrease progressively over time, but it’s important to note that disc healing can be a longer process compared to other spinal issues.

How does spinal traction help address disc problems?

Spinal traction is a technique that helps create a vacuum effect to encourage disc material to return to its proper place inside the disc. This process also allows any tears in the disc to heal with scar tissue, promoting long-term recovery and pain relief.

Your Path to Spinal Health

If you suspect you have a disc problem, don’t wait for the condition to worsen. Our team is committed to providing personalized, effective care to address your specific needs. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan aimed at relieving your pain and restoring your spinal health.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a pain-free, more active life. Remember, early intervention is key in addressing disc problems effectively and potentially avoiding more invasive treatments down the line.


Treatment of Disc Problems Peachtree City GA | (770) 632-8814